The British Ambassador (Howard) to the Secretary of State
Sir: With reference to Mr. Chilton’s note No. 1052 of December 10th last,42 regarding the prohibition of the export of arms and munitions to Turkey, I have the honour, under instructions from my Government, to inform you that, notwithstanding their efforts to obtain an agreement on this subject, they have not secured unanimity among the various governments concerned. His Majesty’s Government have therefore been reluctantly obliged to postpone any further attempt to secure the provisional application to Turkey of the arrangements contemplated in Article 6 of the Arms Traffic Convention of September 1919. In these circumstances my Government propose to remove the embargo on the export of arms and munitions from Great Britain to Turkey which has hitherto been enforced.
[Page 743]Similar communications are being made by His Britannic Majesty’s Representatives at Tokio, Brussels, Paris, Rome and Prague to the Governments to which they are accredited.
I have [etc.]
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