The Swedish Minister (Wallenberg) to the Secretary of State
Excellency: Referring to previous correspondence in the matter, latest the Legation’s note of August 31, 1923,9 regarding the conclusion of an arbitration-convention between Sweden and the United, States, I have the honor, upon instructions from my Government, to inform Your Excellency that the Swedish Government is ready to conclude a convention, in principle similar to the convention concluded on May 2, 1908. At the same time I have been instructed to state that my Government is disposed to make a separate agreement, under which the disputes mentioned in the convention could be referred to the Permanent Court of International Justice, in the event that the Senate gives its assent to the adhesion by the United States to the protocol of December, 1920, under which this court has been created at The Hague.
Regarding the period of duration of the convention, it is understood that this shall be in accord with the provisions of Article IV of the draft submitted with my note of February 9, 1923, namely an initial period of five years and then continuance in force indefinitely until the expiration of six months after a notice of termination shall have been given by either party.
With renewed assurances [etc.]
- Not printed.↩