823.415 Ay 1/orig.

President Legía to President Coolidge


Great and Good Friend: I have the honor to invite Your Excellency to deign to take part, if you should find it possible personally, in the festivities with which the Peruvian Government and people proposes to celebrate on the ninth of December of this year, the first centennial of the Battle of Ayacucho which epoch determined the consolidation of the principles of Liberty and Independence which were proclaimed years before by the leaders of the American emancipation.

I indulge the hope that Your Excellency in accepting this invitation will see in it the expression of the friendly sentiments which animate Peru toward your noble country whose aggrandizement it cordially desires.

I make very sincere wishes for the happiness of the North American people and Your Excellency’s own, and have the honor to reiterate to you the assurance of my highest regard.

Your Excellency’s true and good friend,

A. B. Leguía

A. Salmón

Minister for Foreign Affairs