
The Minister in Persia (Kornfeld) to the Secretary of State

No. 441

Sir: Referring to the Department’s confidential instruction of January 30, 1924, No. 293, I have the honor to transmit herewith translation of a note from the Persian Foreign Office under date of March 11, 1924, No. 17734, replying to the joint note of the Allied and Associated Powers of June 14, 1922 with regard to the taxation of foreign subjects.

In this connection I may state that the Department is correct in assuming that I have not joined my colleagues in any protest to the Persian Government on this subject subsequent to the note of June 14, 1922.

I have [etc.]

Joseph S. Kornfeld

The Persian Minister for Foreign Affairs (Zoka) to the American Legation

No. 17,734

In answer to the joint note of June 14, 1922, I beg to state that:

Foreign subjects residing in Persia are subject to the payment of taxes and other established duties in the same way as Persians, [Page 580] and the existing treaties provide no exception with respect to foreign subjects. Only in the commercial agreement signed between Persia and Great Britain in the year 190342 it is stated that no other duties except tolls shall be collected on goods imported into Persia after customs duties are collected on such goods. This provision of the agreement has been and will be complied with. The navaghel taxes are collected according to the law of Rabi-ol-Aval 5, 1328 (1909) only on the means of transportation.
All the taxes and duties were approved by Parliament as part of the general budget of the country, and it is the Government’s intention to further the enforcement thereof.
The municipal taxes of every place had and will be expended for the essential needs of that place, and the request for a guarantee, as made in the joint note, constitutes a foreign interference in the domestic affairs of the country, and the Persian Government is, with regrets, unable to accept it.

  1. British and Foreign State Papers, 1902–1903, vol. xcvi, p. 51.