462.00 R 296/635: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Kellogg)
353. Your 410, October 9, 3 p.m.52 Please reply as follows to Crowe’s note:
“I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your note of October blank informing me that His Majesty’s Government is suggesting to the [Page 62] Governments of Belgium, France, Italy, and Japan that a preliminary meeting of experts be held at Paris on October 14, 1924, to discuss the division of the annuities to be received from Germany under the Dawes plan and to prepare the way for a subsequent meeting of the finance ministers.
As you will recall on August 12, 1924, the London conference decided after receipt of my note to the Secretary General dated August 5,54 that a representative of the Government of the United States should be invited to attend the meeting of the finance ministers which it was then proposed should be held to consider the resolution submitted by the French delegates providing for the holding of a meeting of the Allied finance ministers and a representative of the United States in Paris after the conclusion of the London conference to consider the distribution of payments by Germany under the Dawes plan. This preliminary meeting was never held but so far as my Government has been advised there has been no change in the general plan of procedure contemplated by the proposal of the French Government. I have, therefore, been instructed to inform you that my Government has designated Mr. James A. Logan, Junior, as its representative to meet with the Allied finance ministers, and that in view of your Government’s present proposal that a preliminary meeting of experts be held this55 Government will be happy to take such steps as may be necessary with respect to American representation in such committees as may be created to that end.
In conclusion I beg to inform you that my Government is today communicating to the Governments of Belgium, France, Italy and Japan the designation of Mr. Logan as its representative as stated above.”56
Repeat to Logan as Department’s L–126.