817.00/3156: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Nicaragua (Thurston)
116. Your 196, September 27, 10 a.m.10 You may informally express to President Martinez the concern with which this Government has learned of the creation of a large new armed force to be used in connection with the elections. It does not of course question the President’s intention to place this force under the sole control of the Cantonal Directorios, since any other course could only be construed as an attempt to control the election by military pressure. It fears, however, that local administrative officials may not fully comprehend the necessity for giving the Cantonal Directorios absolute freedom in the disposition of this force on election day, and it hopes that the President will issue the strictest orders to such officials to abide by the provisions of the electoral law, in order to avoid any semblance of police interference.
- Not printed.↩