817.00/3041: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Ramer)
34. Your March 18, 11 a.m. and March 25, 10 a.m.7 This Government is gratified at the steps so far taken by the Nicaraguan Government to make possible the holding of free and fair elections next October. It has learned with pleasure of the satisfactory progress of the registration of voters and of the impartiality with which this registration appears to have been carried out. The prompt action of President Martinez in checking police interference and recruiting, which might have tended to intimidate opposition voters, shows his desire to comply strictly with his announced determination that his successor should be elected under conditions of absolute freedom.
It has been evident, however, that the unfamiliarity of the local electoral officials with the provisions of the new electoral law has created certain difficulties in the administration of the law which make evident the desirability of giving the national electoral board [Page 491] such technical assistance as will assure the proper execution of the law from a technical standpoint. The failure of some of the departmental boards to report the division of electoral cantons and organization of the local directorios within the time required by law, and the delay in printing and distributing the registration books, are examples of the administrative difficulties which have arisen. A repetition of difficulties of this nature during the preparations for the actual voting in October might easily defeat the Government’s purpose to hold truly free elections and might thus cause some doubt as to whether the administration coming into office as the result of the elections was representative of the will of the majority of the people.
In its desire to assist President Martinez in holding the forthcoming elections under conditions which will make possible the withdrawal of the Legation Guard without danger of subsequent disturbances in Nicaragua, this Government desires to suggest to the Nicaraguan Government the advisability of retaining the services of one of Dr. Dodds’ assistants as technical adviser to the electoral authorities from now until next October. It hopes that President Martinez may see fit to conclude arrangements to this end.
The Department desires that you should call upon President Martinez, accompanied by Thurston and Dodds, and present the above in the form of a memorandum, explaining the desirability of retaining one of Dodds assistants until the elections, and urging that this action be taken in order that all parties in Nicaragua may have adequate assurance that the electoral law will be satisfactorily complied with. Reply by cable.
- Neither printed.↩