701.4112/87: Telegram
The Chargé in Mexico (Schoenfeld) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 19—2:48 p.m.]
224. Department’s 312, June 18, 4 [3] p.m. I personally delivered a note to the Under Secretary of Foreign Relations at 6:30 this evening informing the Mexican Government that I was taking over the archives and effects of the British Legation as from this day in pursuance of your instructions and soliciting the cooperation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs in facilitating the departure of Cummins. I suggested orally as Chilean Minister had done earlier in the afternoon that the Mexican guard at the British Legation be withdrawn and freedom of communications reestablished. I also addressed a note to Cummins conveying textually his instructions from the British Government and enclosing a copy of my note to the Foreign Office for his information.
On my return from Foreign Office I called on Cummins who informed me he was telegraphing his Government requesting detailed instructions as to what should be delivered to me and the procedure that should be followed and that corresponding instructions be sent to me. The Mexican guard had already been withdrawn.
I am now in receipt of a note from Cummins suggesting that as “Schoenfeld shall probably require a day or two to receive and act on” my [his] instructions and as “a packing and disposition of” his (Cummins’) effects “must occupy a day or two” he expects to be able to leave here either on Saturday or Sunday next.
Meanwhile I am in receipt of a note from Minister for Foreign Affairs in acknowledgment of mine taking cognizance of my action and adding that Cummins will be given “usual facilities” to leave here up to 7 o’clock tomorrow evening. I am advising Cummins orally of this at once. I should however welcome earliest possible advices from the Department as to whether I should accept this statement without question, the more so since in my conversation with the Under Secretary of Foreign Relations I intimated that some slight delay might be necessary and he informed me Cummins’ departure might be postponed to Friday 11th hour.