462.00 R 296/412: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Kellogg)


204. Referring to your 241, July 10.

I have instructed our Embassies in France, Italy, Belgium and Japan to furnish the Governments to which they are accredited with a copy of our reply38 to the British invitation of June 24,39 for their information. Our reply explains the purposes for which the American representatives will attend the London Conference, which are, inter alia, “for the purpose of dealing with such matters as affect the interests of the United States.”
The Department thinks it would be desirable for you informally to make clear both to Herriot and MacDonald and also, in your discretion, to representatives of the other Principal Allied Governments before commencement of the conference that this Government expects to participate in the payments under the plan which looks to the utilization of Germany’s full capacity of payment.

Please cable without delay their attitude as reflected in conversations you have with them.

  1. See telegram no. 179, June 27, to the Ambassador in Great Britain, p. 32.
  2. See telegram no. 224, June 24, from the Ambassador in Great Britain, p. 28.