800.51 W 89 Hungary/21: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Herrick)
138. L–68 for Logan.3 Refunding agreement signed April 25th by Hungarian Minister4 provides for repayment of Hungarian Relief Bond and accrued interest in 62 years by installments increasing from $9,600 to $75,000 annually with interest at 3 percent to December 15th, 1933 and thereafter at 3% percent per annum. Sections 7 and 9 of this agreement are as follows:
- “7. Security. The payment of the principal and interest of all bonds issued or to be issued hereunder shall be secured in the same manner and to the same extent as the obligation of Hungary in the principal amount of $1,685,835.61, described in the preamble to this Agreement; that is to say, shall be ‘a first charge upon all the assets and revenues of Hungary and shall have a priority over costs of reparation under the Treaty of Trianon or under any treaty or agreement supplementary thereto, or under arrangements concluded between Hungary and the Allied and Associated Powers during the armistice signed on November 3, 1918;’ Provided, however, That all or any part of such security may be released by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States on such terms and conditions as he may deem necessary or appropriate in order that the United States may cooperate in any program whereby Hungary may be able to finance its immediate needs by the flotation of a loan for reconstruction purposes, if and when substantially all other creditor nations holding obligations of Hungary similar to that held by the United States and described in the preamble to this Agreement, to wit, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Holland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland, shall release to a similar extent the security enjoyed by such obligations. The Secretary of the Treasury of the United States shall be authorized to decide when such action has been substantially taken.”
- “9. Cancellation and Surrender of Relief Obligation. Upon the execution of this Agreement, the payment to the United States of cash in the sum of $753.04 as provided in paragraph 1 of this Agreement and the delivery to the United States of the $1,939,000 principal amount of bonds of Hungary first to be issued hereunder, together with satisfactory evidence of authority for the execution of the Agreement and the bonds on behalf of Hungary by its Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Washington, and of appropriate action by the Reparation Commission so as to assure by its approval to the bonds of Hungary to be issued hereunder the same priority over reparations as that now enjoyed by the obligation of Hungary in the principal amount of $1,685,835.61 described in the preamble to this Agreement, the United States will cancel and surrender to Hungary, at the Treasury of the United States in Washington, the obligation of Hungary last described.”
Agreement has been approved by the President and submitted to Congress and upon approval by that body Secretary of the Treasury will under the conditions stipulated in Sections 7 and 9 release for the purpose of Hungary’s reconstruction loan the prior lien enjoyed by the Relief Bond and retained in favor of the refunding bonds which, however, are to continue to have priority over reparations both as to security and payment.
Copy of agreement and other papers are being forwarded to you by pouch.
As you will note proposed action is conditioned in part upon prior appropriate action by Reparation Commission to assure by its approval to the refunding bonds the same priority now enjoyed by the Relief Bond. The Hungarian Government will present this matter to the Reparation Commission and you are authorized to cooperate in every proper way with the Hungarian representatives in their endeavor to obtain Commission’s approval. Please keep Department fully informed of Commission’s action and telegraph also any information you may obtain regarding definitive release of relief bond priorities by other Governments concerned.
Repeat to Amlegation Budapest as Department’s 18 substituting following for last paragraph:
As you will note this action is conditioned in part upon presentation of satisfactory evidence of authority for the execution of the agreement and the bonds on behalf of Hungary by its Minister. In this connection reference is made to Department’s 15, April 21st, 5 p.m.5