815.00/3151: Telegram
The President’s Personal Representative in Honduras (Welles) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 5—9:42 a.m.]
22. The final session took place this morning in Amapala. The formal convention in the form indicated in my number 20 of May 2, 3 p.m., was signed by the representatives of both political factions in Honduras and signed as witnesses by all the delegates of the other nations represented.
In addition the delegates of Guatemala, of Salvador, of Nicaragua, and of Costa Rica signed a formal declaration of which the following is a literal translation:
“Before concluding their task, the delegates of the Central American Union present at this conference, by unanimous vote, have resolved to express through their worthy champion, the Honorable Sumner Welles, to His Excellency the President of the United States their most sincere thanks for the speedy and generous assistance lent by him since his invaluable mediation was accepted by both of the contending parties in the Republic of Honduras in reestablishing completely peace and public tranquillity and in the establishment [Page 320] of a basis which will permit the reorganization of a stable constitutional government to be placed in power by the free vote of the people of Honduras.
It is a pleasant duty for the delegates at the same time to evidence in this final declaration the expression of their gratitude to the personal representative of the President of the United States, chairman of this conference, for the perfect tact, entire rectitude and impartiality and breadth of vision which he has contributed in the successful carrying out of his difficult task.
At the same time the conference desires to congratulate the delegates of the parties formerly at war in Honduras for their patriotic attitude which has greatly assisted in the achievement of the lofty purposes of the conference.
And since in the attainment of these purposes it has not been possible to employ the means provided in the international comity agreements now awaiting the ratification of certain of the signatory powers which would so greatly have assisted the completion of this difficult task, it resolved that:
A unanimous vote of recommendation is hereby agreed upon, addressed to the said Governments that they consider at once the treaties and conventions referred to, in order that, should an emergency occur in the future similar to that which recently took place in Honduras, steps to reestablishment immediately constitutional government may more easily and rapidly be taken.”
The delegates of the Central American States likewise addressed a telegram to the Provisional President declaring the intention of the Governments which they represent to lend their moral support simultaneously with the United States, to a provisional government of Honduras constituted in strict accordance with the terms of the agreement signed today.
With the completion of today’s session of the conference consider my mission here concluded. It is therefore my intention to leave tomorrow on the Milwaukee for Santo Domingo via Panama. I am advised from reliable sources that the Provisional President will make the necessary changes in his Cabinet in the course of the coming week, and the American Minister, who leaves at once for the Capital, will properly insist on this after his return to Tegucigalpa.
I desire to take this opportunity of advising the Department of my appreciation of the effective and wholehearted cooperation given me by the American Minister throughout the course of my mission in this Republic.