815.00/3089: Telegram

The President’s Personal Representative in Honduras (Welles) to the Secretary of State

Department’s April 9, 4 p.m. It appears to me highly desirable that action by the United States in suggesting a peaceful solution of the present situation in Honduras be taken jointly with all the other Central American States. Such a course would not only avoid present suspicion and prevent future misunderstanding, but would also be entirely in keeping with our policy as made manifest in the Central American Conference.

I am not clear from the Department’s cable under reference whether the Government of Costa Rica has been approached in this matter or why the initiative in suggesting the holding of a conference to consider joint action has not been taken by the United States rather than by the three Republics mentioned.

Unless the Department has objections of which I am not advised to the pursuit of such a course, I beg to suggest the advisability of cabling urgent instructions to the American Ministers in the other four Central American countries to request the Governments to which they are accredited to send representatives at once to Amapala to consider the steps which should be taken jointly by the United States [Page 305] and the Central American countries to end the present state of anarchy in Honduras.

Such a conference in addition to being in harmony with the purposes of the Central American Conference, would be a practical demonstration of the intention of the President of the United States and the Central American States to ensure the maintenance of peace and the safeguarding of orderly government by constitutional methods in Central America.
