
The Greek Chargé (Xanthopoulos) to the Secretary of State

No. 934

Mr. Secretary of State: In the absence of a Treaty of Commerce between Greece and the United States, the Hellenic Government has been giving American products the benefit of the Conventional tariff on condition of reciprocity.

It has, however, become impossible to continue thus owing to the fact that the tariff now in force is to be superseded in the early future by another tariff which provides for a maximum and a minimum rate. Moreover, for this reason and also in order to harmonize its regime of commerce, navigation and customs, with new economic requirements, the Hellenic Government has just denounced by general measure the treaties by which it was bound to other allied and neutral countries, the state of war having rendered inoperative the treaties with enemy countries.

I am therefore, by order of my Government, directed to inform you that the de facto condition above referred to will come to an end on December 10 next.

I am glad to assure you, Mr. Secretary of State, that my Government is quite ready immediately to enter upon negotiations for the framing of a commercial treaty on the basis of the new tariff, and [Page 274] that it will do so with the sincere wish of arriving at a result satisfactory to both countries.

Be pleased [etc.]

Constantin D. Xanthopoulos