868.00/471: Telegram

The Chargé in Greece (Abbott) to the Secretary of State


43. This morning I received reliable information that as the Cafandaris cabinet is unable to maintain program because of strong republican pressure it is about to resign.

The republicans are demanding of the Assembly a declaration that the Glücksburg dynasty is abolished and a pronouncement in favor of a republic, the latter question, however, to be referred to a plebiscite which from present indications will be held in May.

Up to now the political situation has been completely indeterminate. A crisis is at hand, however, and it is not at all improbable [Page 268] that there will be a coup d’état by the republican army group under General [Condylis?] unless an agreement is reached within a few days.

Sir Milne Cheetham, the British Minister, arrived at Athens February 26 but did not present his letters of credence until today at noon. The other countries represented here by Minister are Bulgaria, Jugo-Slavia and Spain. I am informed by the Italian Chargé that for all practical purposes his relations with the cabinets of Venizelos and Cafandaris have been such as to constitute recognition of the Greek Government. I learn from French representative that attitude of France has not changed and that the Greek Government has not received French recognition.
