
The Ambassador in Great Britain (Kellogg) to the Secretary of State

No. 850

Sir: In accordance with my telegram No. 466 of November 11, 5 p.m.,44 I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy, in triplicate, of the note dated November 10, 1924, from the Foreign Office, together with its enclosure, the printed proof of the proposed Convention between the United States and British Governments respecting the British Mandate in Palestine.45

I have [etc.]

For the Ambassador:
F. A. Sterling

Counselor of Embassy
[Page 212]

The British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Chamberlain) to the American Ambassador (Kellogg)

No. E9780/1354/65

Your Excellency, I have the honour to refer to the note No. 415 which Your Excellency was so good as to address to my predecessor on the 2nd September47 regarding the proposed Convention between the United States Government and His Majesty’s Government respecting the British Mandate in Palestine. I am happy to note that the United States Government is prepared to proceed promptly to the signature of the Convention and will send you full powers for that purpose.

In that note you state that the United States Government desire an assurance that His Majesty’s Government will consult them, as well as the Powers represented on the Council of the League of Nations, regarding any alteration in the administration of Transjordania for which His’Majesty’s Government may decide to seek the approval of the Council: this assurance His Majesty’s Government have no hesitation in giving. With regard to paragraph 5 of your note, I am happy to state that the interpretation placed by the United States Government on paragraph 4 of my predecessor’s note of July 17th48 is correct, and that any special privileges granted to the subjects of any other Power will automatically be acquired by United States citizens in Palestine.
A proof of the proposed Convention in form suitable for signature has now been printed and a copy is enclosed herein for examination by you.49 I shall be glad to learn in due course on what date it will be convenient for you to sign the Convention.

I have [etc.]

For the Secretary of State
D. G. Osborne
  1. Not printed.
  2. Subenclosure not printed. In telegram 436, Nov. 25, the Ambassador was instructed to accept the draft convention, subject to minor changes in form and the correction of a clerical error, and was given full powers to sign (file no. 867n.01/407).
  3. In compliance with Department’s instruction no. 325, Aug. 22, p. 209.
  4. Ante, p. 208.
  5. Not printed; see signed text, infra.