800.01 M 31/201

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Kellogg) to the Secretary of State

No. 623

Sir: I have the honor to enclose a copy, in triplicate, of a note dated July 29, 1924, from the Foreign Office regarding the proposed treaties affecting the former German territories in Central Africa (B Mandates). …

I have [etc.]

For the Ambassador:
F. A. Sterling

Counselor of Embassy

The British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (MacDonald) to the American Ambassador (Kellogg)

No. W5896/23/98

Your Excellency: You recently enquired whether His Majesty’s Government were in a position to reply to Your Excellency’s note [Page 196] of the 18th February last9 regarding the proposed treaties affecting the former German territories in Central Africa now administered by His Majesty’s Government under mandate on behalf of the League of Nations, and to proceed to the conclusion of those treaties.

2. I have the honor to state that His Majesty’s Government would prefer to postpone their final answer to the note in question until a more advanced stage has been reached in the negotiation of the treaty relating to the British mandate in Palestine. Their views on the latest proposals of the United States Government in regard to that matter were communicated to you in my note of the 17th instant.10

I have [etc.]

(For the Secretary of State),
G. H. Villiers
  1. See telegram no. 39, Feb. 16, to the Ambassador in Great Britain, p. 193.
  2. Post, p. 208.