767.68119 E/11: Telegram
The Special Mission at Lausanne to the Secretary of State
[Received 5:27 a.m.]
286. Referring to Mission’s 285 of May 3. Supplementing earlier statements, my brief statement at the close of the morning session of the third committee was intended as a reaffirmation of our purpose to take part, whenever agreeable, in deliberations upon questions which might concern our interests. I carefully refrained from alluding to our desire to join in the labors of the subcommittee, as I believe it will be easier to come to an agreement with the Allies by informal discussions. Nevertheless, the representations which I made and the question put by Rumbold have carried the issue to a head, and today it has been under discussion among the representatives of the inviting powers. …
[Page 1000]It is reported that Lord Curzon, under whose orders Rumbold is proceeding, takes the position that our status is only that of mere observers unless we are ready to share responsibility and sign the treaty and the conventions with the Allies.
It is the belief of Montagna that in the end the British will give in on all points, and that the treaty will be very unsatisfactory. He is much dejected although he still thinks that the treaty will certainly be signed.