
The Secretary of State to the United States District Judge at New York (Knox)

My Dear Judge Knox: Permit me to inform you that under date of October 1, 1923, Mr. Howard T. Oliver of the Oliver American Trading Company, Inc. wrote me at length in regard to the case of his Company against the Government of the United States of Mexico and National Railways of Mexico, and requested definite answers to certain specific questions put to me by counsel for the Company in a communication under date of September 14.38 These questions had reference to several aspects of the recognition by this Government of the Government of Mexico.

I feel it my duty to inform you that I am advising Mr. Oliver that it seemed to be a sufficient response to the inquiries made in behalf of his Company to say that the recognition recently accorded the Government of Mexico by the Government of the United States was complete and unconditional.

I am [etc.]

Charles E. Hughes
  1. Letters not printed.