The Japanese Ambassador (Hanihara) to the Secretary of State
Sir: When the first news of the recent dreadful event in Japan was flashed abroad, Admiral Anderson at once dispatched to the scene of the disaster the ships under his command with all available equipment to meet the emergency. In the face of indescribable confusion and difficulties, the Admiral, as well as the officers and men under him, with unflagging zeal and efficiency, set themselves to the task of carrying relief to the countless sufferers both at sea and ashore. It was largely due to their prompt and gallant assistance that the situation was brought well under control in a short time.
At the same time General McCoy hastened to the scene from his Philippine post and as chief of the American relief agencies in Japan, devoted himself with his staff day and night to the performance of his mission, and under very trying circumstances he directed and encouraged the relief corps to such good effect that there were established within ten days American hospital stations in both Tokyo and Yokohama, which he transferred to the Japanese Red Cross.
Both the Admiral and the General, satisfied that their work was done, have lately left my country, leaving behind them a glow of admiration and gratitude that will live for years to come.
I am now instructed by His Majesty’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs to convey to you, and through you to all concerned, the heartfelt thanks of the Japanese Government and people for the splendid services rendered by Admiral Anderson and the naval forces under his command, and by General McCoy and the relief corps under him, which so effectively demonstrated the particular sympathy of the United States Government for the sufferers by the disaster.
I accordingly have the honor to request that you will be so good as to cause this message to be transmitted to the proper quarters.
Accept [etc.]