
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Albania (Grant-Smith)

No. 17

Sir: The Department has received your despatch No. 11 of January 5th relating to a concession which is understood to have been granted to France for archeological research in Albania. You indicate that you have received confidential information that the French plan contemplates a monopoly for archeological research throughout the country.

The Department approves the attitude you have taken in your informal conversations with Albanian officials and is desirous of obtaining any further information in regard to the exact nature of the concession in question.

For your confidential information it may be added that such monopolistic privileges in respect to Persia are understood to have been secured by France in 1895 under a special convention, and that the Department has recently received information which would indicate that France was also endeavoring to obtain a monopolistic concession for archeological research in Afghanistan.

In view of the important part which American institutions of learning have taken in archeological research work in various countries of the world it is the Department’s desire to maintain the principle of the “Open Door” for American institutions and you may appropriately indicate this to the Albanian Government.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
William Phillips