862T.01/562: Telegram
The Unofficial Observer on the Interallied Rhineland High Commission (Allen) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 29—9:58 a.m.]
American zone turned over at noon to French authorities. Five minutes later all train service tributary to Coblenz ceased. French now hold Coblenz station with troops. Customs barrier around Ruhr basin backed by infantry, tanks and artillery, will be completed by [garbled group]. This should stop or control all coal going into unoccupied Germany. Kilmarnock36 does not yet know whether the British troops will be withdrawn. If withdrawn, and British representative at commission also withdrawn, it is considered that legal existence of commission would end. That would bring a purely military occupation to which present measures are tending. Our personal relations with all French military and civil officials continue excellent. Exceptionally friendly attitude shown by all nationalities to few remaining Americans. Understood that passive resistance including strikes in mines and on railways at stated intervals at vital points, here and there is directed from Münster.
- Lord Kilmarnock, British High Commissioner.↩