
The Secretary of State to the British Chargé (Chilton)

Sir: I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of July 19th in which, in adverting to my Note of June 3rd, last, regarding the proposed Commission of Investigation in Asia Minor, you indicate that His Majesty’s Government are inclined to consider [Page 933] that, in view of the state of war still existing between the Allied Powers and Turkey, the prospects of securing an early and satisfactory conclusion of the inquiry would be enhanced if it were entrusted to a neutral agency. You inquire whether this Government would be willing to take advantage of the expressed willingness of the International Red Cross to undertake the investigation.

In agreeing to participate in the proposed inquiry in Asia Minor this Government’s chief desire was to facilitate any humanitarian action which might tend to ameliorate the situation of the peoples of Anatolia. As the modification of the original proposal, by entrusting to the International Red Cross the conduct of the inquiry, will not alter its essential object, namely to obtain a full report regarding the situation in Asia Minor, I take pleasure in informing you of my Government’s willingness to accept the offer of the International Red Cross and to extend to the Commissions which may be selected by that body the cooperation of American officials in Constantinople and Athens.

Accept [etc.]

Charles E. Hughes