
The British Chargé (Chilton) to the Secretary of State

No. 600

Sir: With further reference to the note which you were so good as to address to me on July 26th, in which you conveyed to me the readiness of the United States Government to accept the offer of the International Red Cross to undertake the enquiry into the recent massacres in Asia Minor, I have the honour to inform you on instructions from my Government that the International Red Cross who, at the time when they were originally invited to undertake this enquiry, were already negotiating with the authorities at Angora and Athens to secure facilities for the despatch of relief missions, have agreed to undertake this enquiry on the following specific conditions:

that their missions, while primarily devoted to improving the lot of the populations in the areas concerned, will supply a report on the situation to the American, French, Italian and British Governments. It is suggested that the two Commissions to be appointed should each be composed of three Red Cross representatives and two neutrals.
that the necessary expenses, which the International Red Cross have not the funds to meet, shall be paid in advance by the Governments interested. These expenses are approximately estimated at a sum of 100,000 francs as the cost of the two Commissions consisting of five members each for a period of two months. It is suggested that this sum should be secured by a contribution of one thousand pounds (£1000) from each of the four Governments concerned.

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In view of the great desirability of the missions being able to proceed with the least possible delay, I am instructed to request that I may be informed at the earliest possible opportunity whether these stipulations are agreeable to the United States Government. Unless and until their suggestions are accepted, the International Red Cross are extremely anxious that no unnecessary publicity should be given to the proposed enquiry.

I have [etc.]

H. G. Chilton