
The British Ambassador (Geddes) to the Secretary of State

No. 752

His Britannic Majesty’s Ambassador presents his compliments to the Secretary of State and, with reference to the Aide Memoire left by Mr. Peterson1 with the Acting Secretary of State on September 15th last2 with regard to the embargo on the export of arms and munitions of war to China, has the honour to state that it is the understanding of His Majesty’s Government that, as set forth in the Aide Memoire from the Department of State communicated to this Embassy under date of July 25th last,3 the Governments of the United States, Japan, France, Italy and Great Britain are mutually pledged, pending the restoration of a unified Government in China, to refrain from extending, either directly or through their own nationals, any assistance to China for the purpose of naval development.

His Majesty’s Government nevertheless cannot but consider it desirable that this understanding should be formally confirmed by the other parties to the forthcoming discussions on the subject of the embargo to be held in Peking who are understood to be the additional signatories to the original embargo agreement of 1919, with the exception of Russia, and also the Governments of Germany and Austria.

His Majesty’s Ambassador would be gratified to learn the view of the United States Government on this proposal.

  1. M. D. Peterson, Secretary of the British Embassy.
  2. Ante, p. 740.
  3. See footnote 98, p. 754.