Negotiations to ensure by treaty the rights of the United States in territories under Belgian mandate1

1. Text of the draft of the Belgian mandate for East Africa (League of Nations Document No. 135 regarding “B” Mandates) is printed in Foreign Relations, 1921, vol. i, p. 133. See also under France, “Negotiations to ensure recognition of the rights of the United States in territories under mandate”, ibid., pp. 922 ff. Cf. also correspondence with Great Britain relative to mandates, ibid., vol. ii, pp. 106 ff.

[369] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Belgium (Whitlock)

862S.01/5: Telegram

[370] The Chargé in Belgium (Wadsworth) to the Secretary of State


[371] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Belgium (Fletcher)

862SA.01/7: Telegram

[373] The Department of State to the Belgian Legation
