667.003/126: Telegram
The High Commissioner at Constantinople (Bristol) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 3—5:43 a.m.]
212. The Ottoman authorities have reimposed the specific customs taxes on foodstuffs which were abolished at the time of the armistice. This is another action affecting American business interests as large quantities American wheat, flour, etc., are being imported.
All my efforts to bring about the restoration of the pre-war regime of ad valorem duties have failed. The Allies have agreed to return to this system but in addition to continue the consumption taxes.
Approximately 400 drums of American alcohol are lying in the harbor because the Ottoman public officer refuses to issue permits for their clearance unless the excessive tax recently agreed to by the Allies is paid. This tax represents 170 percent of the value of the alcohol.
The Allied representatives here, including those of the Public Debt Administration, have continually advocated any policy for the advantage of their nationals without regard for legality or for American interests.
I have reached an impasse in this situation and beg to request that the Department will bring immediate pressure to bear upon London, Paris and Rome to make the Allies fall in line and cooperate with America in the restoration of the legal taxation, provided for by the treaty. For the proper protection of American interests and the maintenance of our prestige, which is vital for our future interests, it is necessary to take action now. Please instruct.