
The Minister in Paraguay ( Mooney ) to the Secretary of State

No. 806

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that in accordance with the Department’s telegraphic instruction No. 18, dated May 19 [14], 1921, I have to-day presented Doctor Santiago Baque, the attorney of the Asunción Port Concession Corporation, to President Gondra, and at the same time acquainted him of such pertinent information concerning the position taken by my Government in reference to the reinstating of the concession as conformed with the Department’s instruction.

[Page 627]

It is my firm belief that it is very probable an understanding may be reached facilitating the reviving of the concession, but the question of time in reference to the negotiation thereto is an extremely indeterminate question and immediately any developments are realized, this Legation will advise you in the premises.

I have [etc.]

Daniel F. Mooney