
The Under Secretary of State (Davis) to the Panaman Chargé (Lefevre)

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note D–No. 39 dated January 24, 1921, relative to the manner in which the area of the 200-ft. hill east of Colon in the District of Las Minas has been transferred to the Canal Zone under the terms of Article 2 of the Treaty of 1903. The matter is receiving the attentive consideration of the interested officials of this Government and steps are being taken to perfect arrangements which, it is hoped, will prove satisfactory to all concerned in the harmonious execution of the stipulations of the Treaty of 1903. I desire to add that due consideration will be given in this connection to the suggestion in your note of January 24th as to procedure in cases of transfers of land.

Accept [etc.]

Norman H. Davis