The Secretary of State to the Secretary of War (Weeks)
Sir: With reference to previous correspondence concerning the desire of the Nicaraguan Government to purchase certain arms and munitions from your Department, I have the honor to enclose a copy of a translation of a note received from the Minister of Nicaragua12 in which he requests that he be informed regarding the quality and [Page 568] the price of the arms and munitions which are available for sale by your Department. You will note that the Minister’s new request is for a larger quantity than requested in his first note.
The Minister asks that I call to your attention the urgent need of the Nicaraguan Government for these arms and munitions, and the desire of that Government that the transaction be completed as soon as possible. The Minister states that the steamer Ecuador will leave Baltimore directly for Corinto on October 17, and that he would like to send the arms and munitions if possible on that steamer.
I have [etc.]
Under Secretary
- Note of Oct. 4, 1921, supra.↩