711.62119/10a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Commissioner at Berlin (Dresel)


1234. Our telegram number 1231, July 5. Having in mind the reservations in section 2 of the peace resolution, you will ascertain, by informal inquiry, whether the German Government intends to question in any way any of the rights, interests, and advantages stipulated for the benefit of the United States in the Treaty of Versailles, referring specifically to part IV, section I, and parts V, VI, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIV, and XV of that treaty, including [Page 6] our participation in the Reparations Commission, the Commission of Guarantees, and other commissions, so far as this Government may wish to participate.

The peace resolution indicates clearly that the views of Congress are that these rights, interests, and advantages should be secured to the United States and that the United States will not enter into any treaty which fails to secure them.

You will make it clearly understood that the resumption of diplomatic relations, which is in the discretion of the President, and any further steps with respect to the relations between the United States and Germany, will depend largely on the attitude taken by the German Government in this matter.

Your communication will be informal, but we desire an authoritative and definite answer so that this Government may know the exact situation.

The Department desires to know whether the German Government would enter into a protocol confirming all the rights and privileges mentioned above. It is expected that the other Powers would also agree and that in this way an immediate settlement of the treaty situation might be practicable, thus aiding in the establishment of normal conditions and avoiding questions which would arise here, with consequent delay, were the Treaty of Versailles with necessary reservations to be resubmitted to the Senate.
