462.00 R 29/648: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Commissioner at Berlin (Dresel)
717. Your 423, April 20, 2 p.m.
You are instructed to hand to Simons the following memorandum:
“This Government could not agree to mediate the question of reparations with a view to acting as umpire in its settlement. Impressed, however, with the seriousness of the issues involved as they [Page 45] affect the whole world, the Government of the United States feels itself to be deeply concerned with the question of obtaining an early and just solution. This Government strongly desires that there should be an immediate resumption of negotiations and reiterates its earnest hope that the German Government will promptly formulate such proposals as would present a proper basis for discussion. Should the German Government take this course, this Government will consider bringing the matter to the attention of the Allied Governments in a manner acceptable to them in order that negotiations may speedily be resumed.”