856d.6363/110: Telegram

The Chargé in the Netherlands (Armour) to the Secretary of State

90. Referring to Legation’s telegram number 88, June 30, 8 p.m.34 Djambi bill passed First Chamber this afternoon, 27 to 8. It now becomes law upon being signed by Queen which is purely formal procedure. De Graaff and Karnebeek both spoke defending bill, former added little to speech made during Second Chamber debate. Stated Dutch note of June 21st to the United States36 leaves [Page 546] Government free to enter into agreements with other nations concerning remaining fields.

Karnebeek described correspondence with American Minister until September as academic discussion concerning oil legislation in the two countries. Admits he sent American Minister to the Minister of the Colonies for expert information on Djambi matter. Says he did so desiring to promote friendly relations between the two countries. Feels sure publication of notes in the United States will clear away misunderstandings Colonial Government, that both countries have much in common but each is entitled to conduct its own oil policy.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed; see telegram no. 79, June 23, from the Chargé in the Netherlands, supra.