
The Chargé in Mexico (Summerlin) to the Secretary of State

No. 4111

Sir: I have the honor to inform the Department that the local press of July twenty-first published the text of an autograph letter addressed to General Obregón by King Alfonso XIII of Spain, on June 13, last, acknowledging the receipt of the former’s notification of his assumption of the Executive power of the United Mexican States.

The press of the 23rd instant published the text of a similar letter from Yoshihito, Emperor of Japan, dated the “eighth day of the sixth month of the tenth year of Taische.”

Copies in translation of both letters are going forward to the Department as enclosures to this despatch.53

In respect of the general subject of recognition, I have also the honor to report that the press of July sixteenth published an Associated Press despatch from Madrid, stating that Mr. Diego Saavedra, Spanish Minister Designate to Mexico, will leave for his post on the thirtieth instant. The despatch added that Mr. Saavedra will, moreover, represent his Government at the centennial celebration in September.

The press of July twentieth published a telegram transmitted, on the nineteenth instant, to Mr. Alberto J. Pani, Secretary of Foreign Relations, by Mr. Aristide Briand, Prime Minister of the [Page 436] French Republic, acknowledging the receipt of General Obregón’s message of felicitation to President Millerand on the occasion of the French national holiday. The press of July twenty-first stated further that a similar telegram had been sent to General Obregon by President Millerand, and published a statement by Mr. Pani to the effect that diplomatic relations between France and Mexico are uninterrupted and extremely cordial, as was evidenced by Mr. Millerand’s acknowledgment, sometime since, of General Obregón’s announcemeiit of his inauguration as President.

In conclusion, I have the honor to report that the press of July twenty-first stated that the Secretary of Foreign Relations has received from Mr. Antonio Caso, Mexican Special Ambassador to Peru for the centennial celebration of the independence of that country, a telegram informing Mr. Pani of the presentation of his letters of credence to President Francisco [Augusto] Leguía, on the nineteenth instant.

I have [etc.]

George T. Summerlin
  1. Not printed.