The Chargé in Mexico (Summerlin) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received January 20.]
Sir: Referring to the autograph letter which, under date of November 25th last, President Ebert of the German Government addressed to Mr. de la Huerta (see the Embassy’s despatch No. 3556 of December 31st),40 and to frequently recurring assertions by the local press to the effect that Count Montgelas, the German Minister in this city is about to present his letters of credence, the latter recently stated in the course of a private conversation, that Mr. Ebert had acknowledged the receipt of Mr. de la Huerta’s notification of his accession to the Presidency of the United Mexican States only at the repeated instance of Mr. Balbino Dávalos, Mexican Minister at Berlin, and with the agreement that such acknowledgment be regarded by the Mexican Government solely as a manifestation of personal courtesy, and that it be kept from publication until the extension of recognition by Germany, which would be withheld until accorded by the United States or by a major European power. In conclusion, Count Montgelas denied the receipt of instructions to present his letters of credence or of any intimation of their early presentation, and confidentially implied that the Mexican Government has, since his arrival in this city five months ago, consistently endeavored by every means at its disposal, to extort recognition from Germany.
I have [etc.]