The Chargé in Mexico (Summerlin) to
the Secretary of State
Mexico, April 7,
[Received April 20.]
No. 3779
Sir: In confirmation of the Embassy’s telegram
No. 66, April 4, 3 P.M.,2
I have the honor to forward herewith copy, and translation, of the
declarations made by General Obregon. An official copy of these
declarations was furnished me by Mr. Pani, the Minister for Foreign
Affairs. I am enclosing also summaries, in translation, of local
editorial and other comments on these declarations.2 They appear to be favorable,
although both El Universal and Excelsior express a desire to see these words translated into
facts. There is a difference of opinion on the street, however, as to
whether General Obregon will be able to induce the Lower House to take
any action.
As the Department is aware, this is the first official statement made by
General Obregon, in regard to international matters, since his
assumption of office on December 1, 1920. These declarations may
possibly be intended as a partial reply to, or comment on, Ex-Secretary
Colby’s communication of November 25, 1920,3 to Mr. Roberto Pesqueira, the Confidential
Agent of Mr. de la Huerta at Washington; or their publication at this
time may indicate a desire on the part of General Obregon to open or
renew conversations with the Department in regard to the question of
I have [etc.]
[Page 395]
General Obregon
to the Mexican Foreign
To the Department of Foreign Affairs:
Please transmit the following to our foreign representatives to the
end that it may be published in the foreign press:
“The present administration of the Government of Mexico
believes that the proper moment has arrived to make known,
through its foreign representatives, that, continuing its
unalterable purpose to win a legitimate prestige amongst the
other nations of the world, it is pursuing a line of conduct
which absolutely accords with the precepts of morality and
law, and has initiated this policy with a series of acts
which have taken place during the few months in which it has
been established and which will not be interrupted until its
noble purposes, which may be mentioned as follows, have been
- “1. The establishment of a Government which,
satisfying just popular aspirations, and being
genuinely representative of all social classes, has
brought as a consequence the complete pacification
of the country without using any violent means to
accomplish this end.
- “2. It has undertaken a rigorous campaign of
administrative moralization, which has brought about
as a consequence that within a few months not only
are the sources of revenue sufficient to cover
completely the budget of disbursements, but
surpluses have already been obtained.
- “3. An absolute observance of the laws, imparting
complete guarantees of the lives and interests of
nationals and foreigners.
- “4. A frank hospitality towards all those
businessmen who have come and continue to come with
the object of making large investments in our
country, granting them all kinds of facilities for
the development of their undertakings.
- “5. The Government has initiated a period of
extraordinary sessions in the Houses of Congress,
during which the principal reforms of legal
character will be discussed and promulgated, among
these being the regulations under article 27 in so
far as it refers to petroleum, which regulations
doubtless will be based upon an ample spirit of
equity, with the endeavor that their provisions will
not have a confiscatory character and will not be
given a retroactive interpretation.
- “6. Already a decree has been issued that extends
the term fixed for the admission of claims for
damages caused during the revolution, and a law
regulating these claims is about to be promulgated,
creating a commission whose impartial arbitration
shall be the best guarantee for the Government and
the claimants.
- “7. The restitution of all properties which have
been seized by former Governments is about to be
completed, and such important enterprises as the
Mexican Railway have already been restored.
- “8. With the object of expediting the
administration of justice in the country, the
Government has initiated and is about to complete a
series of projects reforming Mexican legislation,
for no other reason than that of administering
justice by the most practical procedures, thus
satisfying a national aspiration.
- “9. Likewise, Congress will shortly receive a bill
designed to grant greater guarantees to nationals
and foreigners against the transgressions of those
who, under the name of rebels, commit, as have been
committed formerly, outrages against their lives and
- “10. An arrangement has already been entered into
with the banking institutions for the whole amount
which was due to them, approximately 55,000,000
pesos national currency, in such a manner as to
leave said institutions completely satisfied,
without impairing the good name and the credit of
the Government, raising the attachment of properties
decreed by former Governments and returning said
banks to their owners and respective boards of
- “11. An invitation has been issued to all holders
of our foreign debt, asking them to appoint their
representatives immediately, and enter into
arrangements with the Government concerning all its
debts, upon the basis that the Government will not
use any subterfuge or evasion, but on the contrary
will found its settlement upon an ample spirit of
equity, such as has served heretofore as a standard
for all its acts, until they be completely
- “12. The Government has already made large
investments, and is now making larger investments
for the purpose of securing rolling stock for the
National Railways of Mexico, thus bettering the
service and replacing the stock destroyed during the
revolution, in order to facilitate arrangements with
the management of said National Railways of
“The Mexican Government trusts that the facts related will
inspire confidence in all those who have established
themselves in business in the country as well as those who
hope to do so in the future; and issues a cordial invitation
to all citizens of other countries who wish to come to
Mexico, where they will find all kinds of facilities, from
the humble farmer who is looking for a tract of land to
cultivate and form his patrimony, to the man of business and
enterprise who wants to come and make large investments, all
of whom may have the absolute certainty that they will enjoy
all the prerogatives set down in our laws, and a very ample
spirit of hospitality, which has been and still is
characteristic of the Mexican people, provided they are men
devoted to work, and willing to comply with the laws of
morality and those of the country.”
I reiterate to you the assurances of my attentive consideration.
Sufragio Efectivo. No Reelección.
Mexico, April 2, 1921.
The Secretary of Foreign
A. J. Pani