361.1123 L 25/28: Telegram

The Chargé in Japan (Bell) to the Acting Secretary of State

38. Your 11, January 13, 6 p.m. I have just received the following note from Minister for Foreign Affairs, dated today, marked confidential.

“I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note number 530, dated the 15th instant, which you were good enough to bring me under instruction from your Government concerning the regrettable incident which occurred at Vladivostok on the 8th instant, resulting in the death of Lieutenant Langdon, an engineer officer on board the United States Steamship Albany.

The Japanese Government is deeply pained that such an unfortunate incident should have happened at all. In particular they are profoundly grieved that the incident has led to the death of a gallant officer of the United States. Accordingly they have immediately given instructions to the Japanese Ambassador at Washington to tender to the United States Government the expression of the most sincere condolence of the Japanese Government. At the same time they lost no time in charging the commander in chief of the Japanese troops at Vladivostok to make promptly a thorough and impartial inquiry into the matter and they confidently believe that a satisfactory settlement will be reached at no distant date.

As regards the question of preventing any recurrence of such incidents in future the commander in chief of the Japanese troops at that port is giving his most sincere attention to it and is adopting suitable measures for that purpose.”

I have not repeated to Vladivostok.
