361.1123 L 25/8
The Acting Secretary of State to the Japanese Ambassador (Shidehara)
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge and to thank you for your note of the 13th instant by which you inform me that the Japanese Government have learned with deep concern and regret of the deplorable incident which took place at Vladivostok, resulting in the death of Lieutenant Langdon of the United States Navy from a gun shot fired by a sentry of the Japanese Army, and by direction of your Government, express to the Government of the United States their condolences on the death of this American officer. You inform me at the same time that the Japanese sentry involved in the case is now under trial by court-martial and that the whole subject is receiving close and prompt attention.
[Page 358]Reserving to the Government of the United States all its rights in the matter, I have the honor to inform you that this Government receives in the spirit in which they were tendered the condolences of the Japanese Government and takes this occasion to avow its confidence that the Japanese Government will take all such measures as are appropriate to the seriousness of the case.
Accept [etc.]