894c.l 11/19: Telegram
The Minister in China (Crane) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received January 6—1:45 p.m.]
8. Your 1, January 3, 6 p.m. Japanese Minister informed January 5 as follows:
“I am in receipt of instructions from my government to notify the interested American consuls that on and after January 15, 1921, the American Government’s temporary acquiescence in the application to American citizens in the South Manchurian railway zone of certain passport regulations of the Japanese Government made temporarily expedient by the conditions of the war is withdrawn.
I am furthermore directed to state that the American Government is unable to acquiesce in the view which you expressed to me orally that the American Government did not assent to these regulations but was merely informed of them inasmuch as my government does not consider that the Japanese authorities have been granted any right to scrutinize the passports of American citizens in Chinese territory.”
Following instructions sent consuls today:
“Circular 50. You are informed that on and after January 15th, 1921, the acquiescence of the American Government in the application to American citizens in the South Manchurian railway zone of certain passport regulations of the Japanese Government made temporarily expedient by the conditions of the war is withdrawn.”
Does your expression “temporary acquiescence in Japanese passport control on railways under Japanese supervision is withdrawn” and “passports of American citizens in Chinese territory” include Shantung and Antung Railways?