711.64119/1: Telegram
The Commissioner at Budapest (Grant-Smith) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 22—10:52 a.m.]
305. Your telegram number 291, July 9, 3 p.m.; 292 July 9, 6 p.m. The Minister for Foreign Affairs states that the Hungarian Government are prepared to accept the stipulations recited in the peace [Page 251] resolution either by declaration of the National Assembly, countersigned by the governor, or by special treaty, or by both. They are very desirous that the United States should be represented on the Reparations Commission but are especially anxious to avoid bringing up Trianon Treaty as such even though modified again before the Parliament. The peace resolution received from Dresel marked for confidential information has been handed unofficially to the Minister for Foreign Affairs. The National Assembly is expected to adjourn shortly.