The French Chargé (Béarn) to the Secretary of State
Sir: In reply to Your Excellency’s note of July 29 last and with reference to mine of the 10th instant,55 I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the Government of the Republic has just designated M. René Delage, consul of France, formerly Chargé d’Affaires of France at Port au Prince, to represent it on the court of arbitration that is to pass upon the French claims against the Haitian Government.
In bringing the appointment to Your Excellency’s knowledge, I should be extremely obliged to you if you would kindly let me know on what date the United States Government would wish Mr. Delage to arrive at Port au Prince and if you would kindly confirm the impression gathered from Your Excellency’s note above referred to that the salary and allowance to be paid by the Haitian Government to the French representative will run from the day of his arrival to that of his departure.
Be pleased [etc.]