868.001 C 76/29: Telegram
The Minister in Greece (Capps) to the Secretary of State
[Received February 26—7:55 a.m.]
25. Department’s 17, February 16th.7 I have communicated to Greek Government our demands relative to imposition new taxes by Greek administration of Smyrna and interference with business of Standard Oil Company there both by note and by personal conference with Minister for Foreign Affairs. He professed ignorance of matter but promised to give it immediate attention. We also discussed recognition of King by United States. Minister desired me to convey to Department the assurances of his Government’s intention to honor all actions of Government of Alexander so far as international agreements are concerned. I gathered that the letter which has been sent to the President and doubtless received by this time was merely formal and possibly an attempt to evade the issue. Minister made it clear that in the view of his Government, Alexander while exercising functions of King, was acting as a kind of regent for Constantine. I endeavored to impress upon him the necessity of making his Government’s position so clear that no doubt could remain of any intention to question legality of Alexander’s reign. Personally I am more and more impressed by insincerity present Government. Their acts at home are in direct contradiction to their professions to countries associated with them in the war. Parliament devotes most of its time distributing money indemnities to so-called victims of the tyranny of Venizelos, rewarding those who betrayed the Allied cause and punishing those who left Constantine and joined Allies. The Liberals were yesterday forced to leave the Chamber in a body and may decide to abstain from further attendance.