The Ambassador in Great Britain (Davis) to the Acting Secretary of
London, January 10,
[Received January 28.]
No. 4037
Sir: Pursuant to the Department’s instruction
No. 1075 of December 20, 1920,98 (File No. 711.4121/24), I have the honor to transmit
herewith a copy of the Note of July 28, 1919, by which the British
[Page 136]
Government on behalf of the
King of Tonga gave notice of denunciation of the Treaty of Amity,
Commerce and Navigation, concluded on October 2, 1886, between the
United States and the King of Tonga.
I have [etc.]
The British Secretary of State for Foreign
Affairs (Curzon) to the American
Ambassador (Davis)
[London,] July 28,
No. 107441/345T
Your Excellency: I have the honour to
advert to Your Excellency’s Note of May 28th. last (No. 370) and
previous correspondence respecting the desire of the United States
Government to abrogate Article 10 of the Treaty of Commerce of
October 2nd. 1886 between the United States and Tonga. His Majesty’s
Government regret the delay which has occurred in answering your
predecessor’s Note on the subject, and which has been largely due to
circumstances caused by the war and difficulties of communication
with Tonga.
I have now the honour to state that, inasmuch as the Treaty in
question makes provision only under Article 14 for its entire
abrogation (save in respect of Article 6), it is deemed that the
desire of the United States Government will best be met by giving
notice of denunciation in accordance with the terms of that Article.
His Majesty’s Government, on behalf of His Majesty the King of
Tonga, by the present note therefore give notice of denunciation of
the Treaty of October 2nd. 1886 as provided for in Article 14 and I
shall be glad if Your Excellency will be good enough so to inform
the United States Government.
I have [etc.]
Earl Curzon
of Kedleston)
G. S. Spicer