
The British Chargé (Barclay) to the Acting Secretary of State

No. 145

Sir: With reference to your note of February 11th,15 transmitting copy of a plan for the supervision of the Siberian Railways, which has now been formally accepted by the United States Government “with due reservation as to any financial responsibility involved which shall be the subject of further discussion” I have the honour to inform you of the great satisfaction with which His Majesty’s Government have learned of the conclusion of the negotiations between the Governments of the United States and Japan, and to add that the United States Government may rely upon the cordial cooperation of His Majesty’s Government in making the scheme of control a success.

His Majesty’s Government express the hope that arrangements may be made for an early meeting of the various boards to be set up and that the United States Government will instruct their representatives accordingly.

Among the first questions for solution is that of finance and His Majesty’s Government understand that the United States Government agree that it is a question which can best be dealt with on the spot.

I have [etc.]

Colville Barclay
  1. Not printed; see telegram of Feb. 10 to the Chargé in Japan, p. 595.