810.51/933b, 933a
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Bolivia (Goold)43
Sir: Referring further to the project for a convention between the United States and other American Republics to establish an international gold-clearance fund there are transmitted herewith five copies of the draft of the proposed convention in Spanish and five copies in English.
The enclosed draft is drawn up in accordance with the directions for preparing a definitive text communicated to you in the Department’s circular telegram of March 19, 6 p.m.44 Attention should be called to the proviso of the second paragraph of Article four, as it appears for the first time in the enclosed draft. It was suggested by the Treasury Department while the circular telegram of March 19, was under consideration, but agreement as to the form which it should take was not reached in time to have it brought to the attention of the National Councils of the International High Commission at the meetings held on March 24. It is believed that the enclosed draft may be considered final except in so far as modifications may be required to meet the suggestions of the foreign governments.
The Department would be pleased to have you bring copies of the enclosed printed texts to the attention of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bolivia, and advise him that this Government would be pleased to be informed as to the views of the Bolivian Government [Page 43] in relation thereto and to enter upon negotiations to sign the convention either at La Paz or Washington if the Government of Bolivia is favorably disposed toward it.
I am [etc.]
- The same, mutatis mutandis,
July 16, to the diplomatic representatives in Cuba, Ecuador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Salvador, Uruguay, and Venezuela; on
July 21 to those in Argentina, Chile, and Panama (File No.
810.51/933c); on July 23 to the Minister in Haiti (File No.
810.51/933d); and on Sept. 16 to the Chargé in Peru (File No.
810.51/952a). A similar instruction was sent to the Minister in
Paraguay on July 24 (File No. 810.51/928). In a similar instruction
to the Minister in Colombia, July 16 (File No. 810.51/933a), the
last paragraph reads:↩
In view of the attitude of the Colombian authorities toward this convention, as reported in your telegram of April 1, 9 a.m., and your despatch No. 29 of April 3, 1919, it would appear inadvisable to make further representations to the Colombian Government in regard to this matter at the present moment. The copies of the final revision of the text are sent you in order that the Legation may be informed of the general developments in the project, and for use in further negotiations with the Colombian Government in the matter whenever an opportune occasion develops. [Neither of the communications referred to is printed.]
- Not printed; it communicated certain alterations of the draft enclosed in the circular of Dec. 14, 1916. See Foreign Relations, 1916, p. 29.↩