The British Chargé (Barclay) to the Acting Secretary of State
Sir: I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your note of May 31st (893.51/), in which you inclosed copies of resolutions adopted at a meeting of representatives of the banking groups of Great Britain, France, Japan and the United States held at Paris on May 10th [11th] and 12th, 1919, and enquired whether His Majesty’s Government would confirm these resolutions. I did not fail to communicate this enquiry by telegraph to the Foreign Office and have now received a reply to the effect that His Majesty’s Government have considered carefully the minutes of the two meetings and the draft of the international group agreement, and have informed the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank that they meet with their [Page 443] approval with the exception of the statement in the preamble of the agreement that the Groups are entitled to the exclusive support of their respective Governments. This is not the case so far as the relation between His Majesty’s Government and the British Group is concerned, as the latter have hitherto failed to comply with the conditions on which alone His Majesty’s Government are prepared to guarantee exclusive official support.
I have [etc.]