893.51/2160: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Morris) to the Acting Secretary of State

Your telegram of March 29th, 4 p.m. Mr. Shidehara83 this afternoon reiterated that the Japanese Government will not be prepared to authorize the participation of the banking group in the proposed conference until the Cabinet may have reached a formal decision in regard to the American proposals for the reconstitution of the consortium. He stated that steps are now being taken to hasten that decision.

He incidentally raised the question of the place of meeting stating that this Government would prefer either Paris or London rather than New York as Tatsumi84 and Odagiri,85 one or the other of whom would naturally represent the Japanese group, in any such conference, are both assisting the peace delegation at Paris.

He further volunteered the information that the Japanese Government is committed to the support of the claim of the Belgian group to admission to the new consortium.

  1. Kijuro Shidehara, Japanese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  2. Konojo Tatsumi, on the board of directors of the Yokohama Specie Bank, and manager of its London branch.
  3. Masunosuke Odagiri, on the board of directors of the Yokohama Specie Bank, and superintendent of its branches in China.