763.72119/8061: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace


3975. For Polk. Your No. 5492 of November 30, 3 a.m. In my 3906 I did not mean to imply any doubt about your understanding of the Department’s position and earlier instructions. It seemed important, however, in view of recent political events, that the entire matter be summed up in that message.

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In regard to the Rhineland Commission, Noyes will continue to act on the Armistice Commission as long as it exists. A separate telegram will deal with the question of funds suggested in your 5534 of December 2, 9 p.m.15 Please give me your opinion as to whether the Armistice Commission will cease, as far as the United States is concerned, at the time the treaty becomes effective or not until we ratify; also as to whether Noyes and his staff could be continued at Coblenz as a special commission from this Government in the occupied area, during the time between the coming into force of the treaty and our ratification. Pending further advice from me, please treat this latter suggestion as confidential.

See my 3929 of November 29, 6 p.m.,15 in regard to the American member of the Rolling Stock Commission, and arbitrators for the allocation of river material.

If Poland and Czecho-Slovakia ask us to suggest the name of an American citizen to act as chairman of the Teschen Plebiscite Commission, please give me your opinion as to the qualifications and availability of Arthur Wood Du Bois, who was associated with M. A. Coolidge on the Inter-Allied Teschen Commission and who is now in Vienna.

In regard to the work of the Supreme Council after your departure, as you already know, it does not seem advisable in the present circumstances, for us to continue our official representation on that body.

In regard to matters which arise under the armistice and are not connected with the carrying out of the terms of any of the treaties, our representatives may continue to take part in the work of whatever bodies are dealing with them. However, I suppose that in practically all instances such matters will cease to be an issue as soon as the treaty becomes effective.

I see no objection to carrying out your suggestion that General Bandholtz be left at Budapest as our representative until the arrival of Grant-Smith. What will this mean in the matter of expense and other arrangements?

I approve your suggestion that General Cheney continue to participate in the work of the Baltic Mission, in view of the short time required for it to finish, if his funds are sufficient.

It is not my intention to interfere with your discretion in regard to matters now before the Supreme Council. I appreciate fully the desirability of finishing as much of the pending business as is possible before you leave, feeling sure that you have in mind the change [Page 28] produced in the situation by the action of the Senate in regard to the treaty.

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