
The Ambassador in Brazil (Morgan) to the Secretary of State

No. 1528

Sir: I have the honor to transmit an English translation of the text of the concession granted by Executive Decree of July 20th, 1919, No. 13,697,9 permitting the Compagnie des Cables Sud-Américains to transfer the landing of its Dakar-Recife cable from Recife to Rio de Janeiro.

The granting of this concession to the French Company, which has maintained, for several years, a submarine cable line between Pernambuco (Recife) and Dakar was one of the last acts of the late Federal Administration. The French Company will now be able to bring its lines to the populous center of Rio de Janeiro and will considerably increase its business. The concession does not interfere with that which is being sought by the Central and South American Telegraph Company and embodies, as does the draft concession of that Company, the recognition of the propriety of foreign telegraph lines, which do not belong to the Western Telegraph Company, landing at the Island of Fernando de Noronha, which, although at present forms part of the State of Pernambuco, was not a portion of [Page 202] the province of that name when the Western obtained its 1873 concession. The privileges which are reserved to the Federal Telegraph Lines in the present concession are of interest.

The Central and South American Telegraph Company may not have received a copy of the enclosed decree and I, therefore, suggest that one be furnished the head-office.

I have [etc.]

Edwin V. Morgan
  1. Not printed.