The Acting Secretary of State to the Chief of the Guatemalan Special Mission (Toledo Herrarte)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of March 10,18 in which you point out that it will not be possible to conclude the topographic survey during the present dry season, but suggest that your Government is disposed to proceed, even though Honduras should not desire to join, with the economic survey, the conduct of which does not depend upon climatic conditions.
In reply I have the honor to say that the American Legation at Tegucigalpa has recently informed the Department that the Honduran Government has expressed its approval of undertaking an economic survey at this time.
The Department wishes to point out, however, that the part of the dry season remaining is rather short in which to conclude the economic survey; but being desirous of contributing in every possible way to the successful conclusion of the present mediation, it will [Page 104] endeavor to arrange for the organization of such an economic surveying expedition, under the supervision of the American Geographical Society. Informal conferences have already been held with this end in view.
It appears from the information hastily gotten together that the cost of the economic survey will be approximately $30,000, and the Government of the United States will be pleased to be advised whether your Government desires that the survey be commenced under these circumstances and with the understanding that every reasonable effort will be made on the part of the American Commission to conclude the work before the next rainy season begins.
Upon receipt of your reply indicating when the $15,000, the portion of the survey which is properly chargeable to Guatemala, shall be made available, the Department will be pleased to communicate to you a detailed statement of the plan of the survey, which probably will be in line with the informal exchange of views expressed between us this morning.
Accept [etc.]
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