714.1515/76a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Guatemala (Thurston)4

The United States Government, in the exercise of its accepted good offices as mediator in the boundary dispute at present existing between the Governments of Guatemala and Honduras, now hereby formally invites the Governments of Guatemala and Honduras respectively to immediately send to Washington a special plenipotentiary to meet each other in formal conference in the city of Washington at the earliest possible date duly empowered to discuss fully and authoritatively the entire boundary dispute question and to consummate the necessary treaty.

The United States Government will be happy to facilitate these direct negotiations and will see that a suitable meeting place is provided in which to conduct the deliberations.

Report by cable name and rank of plenipotentiary also date of arrival in United States.

  1. The same, mutatis mutandis, Jan. 29, to the Minister in Honduras.